Friday, October 23, 2009

The Second Thing You Need To Know To Get Ripped

After you have workd out a close estimate of how many calories you must limit yourself to daily, next you must lay out your diet.  In the beginning you will have to literally read the nutritional lable on everything you plan to eat.  Count calories.  Count grams of protein and count grams of carbohydrates.  At first this is a royal pain in the ass.  But it is a necessary evil.  After a while you will get used to your diet and will be able to roughly figure food values in your head.  Then counting everything will not be necessary.  Until then a small note book to log your food intake and gram values each day is a must-have.  I still have my old pocket notebooks and will be posting some of my actual daily meals on this blog sometimes in the future.

Before I go further I should probably pause and tell you how log I had to follow this diet to get ripped.  Well, in three months I was astounded by the results.  By month 4 I had to begin to consuming empty calories just to keep  from looking too freekish.  Overall I had droped 20 lb of fat before I reached the degree of muscular definition that you see in the Soloflex Hybrid videos.  Do not think for one moment that you cannot achieve the same results.  You can.  I have seen others do it, you can as well

The two main rules that you have to keep in mind when you intend to get ripped is to keep your daily consumption of carbohydrates between 100 - 300 grams.   Focus on getting your carbs from complex carbohydrate sorces.  Avoid simple carbohydrates.  Or keep them to a minimum.

The second rule is to consume 30 - 40 grams of quality protien every 2 hours.  This step serves multiple purposes in the process.  1.   It keeps you from feeling hungry to the point that you lose control and stray off your diet.  2. Your body has to use more fuel to digest protien than it does for other food components, which means you will burn more calories.   3. You will meet your muscles REAL protien requirement needs.  Most people who workout aren't even close.  As a result their progress from their workout routines often lag. 

A high protien diet will require you to drink a lot of liquid.  Drink often (limit alcohol.  Most alcohol has way too many carbs) while on this diet.

 Begin the diet with your carbohydrates around 300 grams per day and slowly, work down to about 100 per day.  Or when you reach the degree of cuts you desire adjust your carbohydrates to maintain that level.  You will have to pay close attention to your body to do this. 

Keep your breath fresh.  The side effect of this diet is bad breath.  The smell actually comes from your body using protien as fuel.  The side effect passes as your body adjusts to your new diet.  Until then be aware of your oral condition.  Plenty of liquids will help keep your system flushed and keep the breath problem small.

Thats it.  Get to it.